Getting Command Aliases


Before we begin, we must download the mod or compile the mod.


Command Aliases can be found on many platforms. The official downloads are located in the following platforms:

Compiling (Advanced)



  1. Clone the repository and navigate into the cloned repository

    git clone
    cd CommandAliases
  2. Navigate to the directory you've cloned this repository and launch a build with Gradle. If you are not using the Gradle wrapper, simply replace gradlew with gradle or the path to it.

    • Windows

    gradlew build
    • Linux/macOS

    ./gradlew build 
  3. The initial setup may take a few minutes. After Gradle has finished building everything, you can find the resulting artifacts in build/libs.


CommandAliases is currently only a Fabric mod and runs on the Fabric Mod Loader.

Depending on the environment of the installation, the Fabric Mod Loader will generate a new folder named mods, all fabric mods should be placed in this folder.

Last updated